Well where to I begin.....its been 10 months since Ive even looked at this blog. Everything here seems like it was just yesterday looking back on it too.
A lot has changed in the past 10 months. Things Ill discuss and things that Ill just keep in my closet of skeletons. So let me begin where I left off......
The drive back to Virginia was fantastic. I felt like I was on tour and I was the main attraction. Colorado was absolutely beautiful. Definately on my list of places to live. Hanging out with Daryl was actually much more fun than I expected it to be. I was slightly dissapointed that I smoked while I was out there. But hey I was on tour and you do things you normally wouldnt do right?
Texas. Oh my Texas. My time with Brenna was short but amazing. It always is. I dont even know how to describe how much I enjoy being around her and who I am around her. She makes me want to be a better person and I honestly think I am around her. In my opinion true love in my life has come in her form. Too bad Im not a lesbian or I would be set for life there. ; )
South Carolina......by the time I got there I had aquired a nasty cold. But I fought threw it and enjoyed myself. Katie my dear I dunno what it is but whenever the two of us get together trouble just seems to follow. I did get a flat tire in SC....lame. But needless to say after a few days rest there I continued my journey onto good ol Virginia. To my home.
I honestly really did enjoy my adventure driving back home. But being home....there was no greater feeling. When I got home I was at a crossroads in my life and was needing to make some very difficult decisions. Life altering decisions. In the end I believe I made the ones that were right for me. Dont get me wrong Ive had some times where I knew had I kept things the way they were my life would have been easier....but I wouldnt have been happy or living my own life.
The last 9 months since I have been home have been interesting to say the least. The friendships I expected to be so strong when I got home just arent holding up to the test of time as I had hoped. But on the flip side Ive brought some new people into my life that are doing me just fine. Dont get me wrong I still love all of my friends old and new. Just as we get older I feel like our personalities are growing apart and we're just not in the same place anymore.
As for where I am today. Im happy. I have my downs.....but I work threw them. This year has been a rollercoaster so Im just ready to get off and start a new year. There are a lot of personal things Ive had to work threw and that Im still working threw. I enjoyed my life in Utah (most of it), but I dont ever want to be that person again. I will never allow myself to be that person again. I will never allow someone else to make decisions for me. My life there literally took away a piece of me Ill never get back. I just hoping I can be as good a person as I can and fill that hole one day. Im not perfect. No one is. But ill keep my demons to myself.
But back to now. I work, I spend time with my friends, and I am truely starting to feel like myself again. I like who im starting be, this is the path I want to be on. Now lets hope I dont screw this up too.
I believe this will be it for now. I promise future post wont be this serious or depressing....well Ill try for them not to be. Hopefully it wont be another 10 months before I update this again.