Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cowboys & Indians.

The part on Saturday was a blast. There was plenty of chaos for my liking. I definately caught two people from the party having sex in the neighbors yard. It was hilarious! Called a girl out on being a sad that people look at her that way (said she wasnt), and turns out she hooked up with 3 guys that night....hhhmm yea, no. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the night. Considering I made my costume in about 25 min I was very impressed with the way it turned out.
Most of the guns were water guns so there was definately a war going on all night between the cowboys and indians.
Sunday was an ok day. I went to work, which was very slow, came home and relaxed. Just been working all week mostly. Saturday and Sunday I have off work so Jason and I are going hiking/camping with some friends. We go 3 miles up into the mountains and are staying at some random cabin in the middle of the yea if we dont come back down u know why. This place is seriously set up to be a total slasher flick. gah. We're leaving at like 8 am cause the hike will suck balls if we leave any later. It gets way f'in hot up there.
Guess thats it for now. Enjoy.

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